Smart It Project Managers Get It In Writing
August 25, 2018More Detail Here:
Smart IT Project Managers Get It in Writing by Jim CochranBefore establishing a formal business relationship, wise IT project managers protect their business interests with appropriate legal contracts.During the initial stages of project development, IT professionals often rely on informal records based on e-mails sent back and forth with the client. While e-mail does provide a record of communication between you and your customer, legally, it cant stand in for a signed project agreement that clearly outlines the scope and expectations of a project.As part of a good project risk management strategy, its especially important to have a consulting contract or project agreement in place before any money changes hands.A Project Agreement Is the Foundation of Project Risk ManagementHaving a signed IT project management agreement before you begin an engagement can reduce or eliminate complications that could spring up during your project.Solid project agreements or contracts are a critical first step in project management, as well as a vital part of your project risk management plan to protect your business. Defining all project elements early and in writing may help prevent legal trouble down the line, saving you thousands of dollars in legal costs and countless hours in a courtroom.A sound project contract also helps to ensure that you receive the compensation that you and your client have agreed upon. Too often, a project is well under way when a client suddenly decides not to pay, tries to lower the price of the job, or changes project terms. If any of these things happen and your interactions with your client are not governed by a contract, you could lose a lot of time and money, and your good relationship with your client could quickly go south.Consulting Contracts for IT Project ManagersIn general, consulting contracts spell out each partys responsibilities, as well as: Compensation Expenses Terms Confidentiality Project reporting Termination rulesFor tech project managers, a consulting services agreement typically spells out the work you are to do and defines the terms of your working arrangement with the client. It lays out the limits of your responsibilities to the client, as well as the terms for your pricing and payment.A consulting agreement also protects your intellectual property rights and establishes confidentiality standards that protect both you and your client. It limits any losses for the work you perform and prevents your client from hiring away your key employees. This type of project agreement also limits your liabilities should your client suffer any losses as a result of errors or omissions on your part.In addition to the main consulting agreement, depending on the job, project managers may need other, additional contracts. These agreements might include employment, network installation and maintenance, staffing and placement, or subcontractor and independent contractor agreements.Subcontractor or independent contractor agreements are particularly important because they govern the relationship between you and any subcontractors you may hire to work on a project. Such contracts clearly outline who owns licenses and intellectual property, and prohibit your subcontractor from stealing your clients business or from being hired away from you by the client.Jim Cochran is the President of TechInsurance, a company providing risk management solutions for IT project managers. By providing specialized errors and omissions insurance for IT project managers, TechInsurance allows individuals and agencies to provide consulting services.Article Source: